“This machine of Mr. Bartlow’s is astonishing. As it comes alive, a complete world unfolds before one’s eyes. Little people walk about. The illusion of a sunny Spring day or a dark, forgotten mine are quite convincing. Were he to reduce the searing heat and schrapnel this device emits while operating, he’d be certain of success.”
Grain Speculator Weekly - 1907

“An interesting diversion to be sure, though one questions the sanity of charging five whole cents to play it.”
The Poughkeepsie Sentinel


“A landmark in early electrical, and mechanical engineering. And personal injury law.”
An artifact from the past returns in Bartlow's Dread Machine, a game from the dawn of the Electric Age. Dread Machine is a dual stick arcade shooter with single player and co-op play modes, six scintillating game worlds and a cast of improbable monsters and historical characters.
Teddy Roosevelt has been kidnapped! Your mission: Pursue his abductors from New York, across the Great Plains to San Francisco, the high seas and beyond using trains, ships and even a newfangled automobile. Master an arsenal of futuristic Edwardian weapons as you fight otherworldly creatures to free the Commander in Chief.
Coming September of 2020 to Xbox One and Steam!

Dread Machine is a joint production of Beep Games, Inc. and Tribetoy, two experienced developers who should know better. While we didn't handle combustible materials or toxic isotopes to construct the game, we did consume an inadvisable number of tacos. We're thrilled to finally announce this passion project and look forward to sharing more in the months to come. Stay tuned for future updates!
Press information: pr@beepgames.com